My First Book Of Southern African Snakes and Other Reptiles
Author: Branch
Format: Paperback
Published: November 2007
Children are both fascinated by, and afraid of, snakes and other reptiles, making them a receptive market for this topic.
My first book of Southern African snakes and other reptiles introduces 56 different species, with accurate, full-colour illustrations accompanied by concise text and simple graphics that depict where the reptile lives, what it eats, how it reproduces, and how big it is when fully grown. In addition to snakes, the title also features lizards, geckos, skinks, tortoises and turtles – of all shapes and sizes, some dangerous and to be treated with caution, others harmless, some rare, and all part of the fragile chain of life.
The clear text is geared for young readers (aged 3-8); parallel translations make this title suitable for mother-tongue learners in four official languages, as well as for older children and adults wanting to improve their knowledge of a second or third language.
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