Vegetation Field Atlas
Author: Mucina/Rutherford/Powrie/van Niekerk/van der Merwe (Editors)
Format: Hardback
Published: 2014
This booklet is a product of the National Vegetation Mapping Project that gave South Africa a comprehensive classification and description of more than 400 vegetation types and a new, modern vegetation map. Chapter 18 of the manual to the vegetation map is republished here in an atlas format for use in the field. The Field Atlas features the vegetation of South Africa (excluding the sub-Antarctic islands), Lesotho and Swaziland on 46 sheets. As a new addition, an original detailed map of the vegetation of the Cape Peninsula has been added to mark the direction of further development of fine-scale vegetation mapping in South Africa. The Field Atlas is printed on water-proof paper to make it fit to withstand adverse weather conditions during field work.
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