Mesembs of the World
Author: Smith et al.
Format: Hardback
Magic is not a too strong term for the appeal of this unique group of plants, the Mesembs. Radiant in flower and highly diverse in form and stature, this fascinating group includes plants as small as wheat grains or as big as a rhinoceros.
Their fruits are as complex as any in the floral kingdom or as simple as saltshakers. Mesembs have captured the imagination of botanists, horticulturalists and travelers for many centuries.
This beautifully produced book is a must for anyone who want to experience the magic of mesembs. It includes the distribution and ecology, conservation, uses, cultivation, identification, genera and guide to the groups of mesembs. To facilitate easy identification, the genera are divided into groups exhibiting more or less similar external characters.
The aim of this book is to provide a well-illustrated, easy-to-read overview of all the 123 mesembs genera that are currently recognised. Illustrations are provided for a representative selection of species.
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