Intensive Wildlife Production
Author: Bothma/van Rooyen
Format: Hardback
Published: 2005
There is no doubt that extensive wildlife production in southern Africa has developed rapidly in recent years. However, the last few years have seen the development of intensive wildlife production too. Intensive production of wild animals often happens in small enclosed areas or areas of limited size and requires more intensive management than the extensive production of wildlife.
This book summarises the current knowledge on the intensive production of wild animals in southern Africa. It is based on the knowledge and experience of various authors.
The wildlife discussed includes the mega-herbivores, rare antelope, smaller herbivores, mini-antelope, carnivores and the ostrich. The information that is provided for each of the different wildlife species includes discussion of
characteristics – mass, size, age, growth, reproduction
population dynamics
habitat requirements
behaviour – social, sexual, feeding
holding and handling facilities
breeding stock
behaviour in captivity
care in captivity
nutrition – natural and artificial
water use
hand-rearing of young animals
veterinary aspects – diseases and parasites
capture and transportation
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